MBA Schools Information – How to find the right information about MBA schools?

MBA Schools Information
MBA Schools Information

The most important and difficult step is to find the right MBA schools information with regards to the global MBA programs, during the school selection process. If you go wrong here, then it might change the whole process and your growth prospects as well. Global MBA rankings can definitely be a good starting point to get insights about MBA schools if you are new to this endeavor, but definitely not the end of it. There are tons of resources available to actually get ideas about schools but that’s not always a positive sign. With more sources, more divergent info can also come your way and things might get complicated. Let’s get a level deeper into the 3 broad sources of MBA aspirants to use.

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MBA Schools Information – RANKINGS

Ranking sources are also many – Financial Times, Economist, QS Global, country-wise local rankings, and many more maybe. And with the markets turned upside down in the last few years many good schools have slipped in rankings and many new ones emerged, therefore it is very important to see the DNA of the school you choose. Use the websites wisely to get to a broader list of schools with your target areas in mind. If you are new, target the top 50-60 in each ranking to start your research. If you are a more seasoned applicant, the key is not to filter off any school because of its slipping in the rankings. Believe in your choice and information that you got before. 

The important aspect here is to understand the ranking style and criteria which these companies use while ranking global business schools. The first important aspect is cluster ranking. Generally, schools are ranked in clusters, which means, schools in the range of 1-10, are more or less very close in terms of points. Similarly, 10-30, 30-45, and so on. These clusters could be different, but this is the style of ranking. So, in a particular cluster, the school ranked 20 and 32 would be almost the same in terms of points. Additionally, there are 100’s of parameters such as placements statistics, research papers, field trips, faculty rankings, career management centers, etc., so it would be difficult for you to take a call purely on rankings.

MBA Schools Information – Alumni / Current Students

Alumni and current students are also other great sources but most applicants fail to realize that they were also applicants and now they have broader information about many schools and not just their school. If you get hold of alumni or a current student who is friendly enough to offer more help, get their opinion about other schools as well. One loophole can be sometimes Alumni and current students give a biased review (positive/negative) depending on how their experience was at school. For example, if they bagged a great job or if they really struggled for a long time post MBA. Be careful to take into account all other factors which might have been different for them. This is the reason, choosing the right alumni for feedback is also an art, because if you will choose a wrong person, then he/she might completely change your perception or could create doubts in your thought process.

MBA Schools Information – Admission Consultants

Admission consultants are definitely experts in giving direction about schools and information and seeking help from them if you are feeling lost is a very good idea. They are quite helpful in aligning your thoughts and giving you a direction, sometimes making you understand your own profile and what you want to do. The key to working with admission consultants is keeping a broader mind. Definitely they are giving advice based on 80-90% of what has worked in the past, but statistics are not always right. Belief and gut are what triggers confidence and channels more effort in your pursuit and therefore it’s very very very important to not let that get diluted. Keep it strong and don’t just take what comes your way. Even if you are not an expert or don’t know much, it’s your life and your career, be convinced from within about what you are doing. The admission consultants will definitely help you in the whole process because even if you do the school selection, then also you will have lots of questions at each stage and you won’t find too many people to answer all your doubts. It is not advisable to take too much advice. So better to hire a consultant, as this is a big decision for your future and you will invest a lot of time, energy and money into this.

Finally, what works best is you and your instincts. Your success cannot be tied to top MBA schools or programs (definitely they provide the most effective platform though) but its only you who can make things happen and move ahead. Always believe in yourself !!

Feel free to connect with us in case you need any guidance or MBA schools information, book your free consultation today!

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